Baby goats! Baby goats! Baby goats! Don’t get too excited because we don’t have any baby goats available right now, but if you are even considering getting a Tiny Hill Farm baby goat next spring, now is the time to get in contact with us to get a deposit in to reserve your 2025 kids. If we have not received your deposit for your kids then you are not on our reservation list. If you are all like, “Nah, I’m gonna wait until you post kids for sale in the spring”, then you might be waiting a LOOONG time since we typically sell the vast majority of our kids via reservation, especially kids out of our most proven does. You can check out our newly updated kidding schedule here.
What makes our goats so special? We are a serious performance herd that focuses on milk production and udder quality. Even though our herd is usually 20-25 or so goats total, we have some extremely competitive milking genetics. We had two Top Ten does in 2020, and fifteen Elite does in August 2023. Most of our senior does in our herd are an Elite doe, or have their Superior Genetics award, or both. Every buckling we sell is a *B buck, and two of our four *B bucks were ADGA Young Sire Development Program Qualifiers in 2020. In addition, two out of four of our bucks have earned their +B award, and the other two are well on their way to earning their +B awards as well. We offer help and advice for the lifetime of every goat we sell. And we offer free milk test classes for anyone with our goats, because proving our goats’ milk production potential is so important to us.
Want to add some serious milking genetics to your herd? We got you! Or maybe you are are just looking for some really fancy and super friendly pets? Can do! We sell the cutest, friendliest, and healthiest bottle baby wethers. And we also offer educational beginner goat classes and are always happy to help new folks. Here’s a link to more info about our classes.
We will also continue to offer reasonably priced private transport of of our kids both anywhere in NH and also from NH all the way to Montana. If you are on our route, we can meet you with your kids and save you a ton of money while also saving us a ton of stress. Win-win! Want to to check out our breeding plans? Here’s a link. Want to know about our transport plans? Here’s more info. And feel free to contact us with any questions or interest you might have. Thanks for reading! Pictured are a few very cute members of our outstanding 2024 kid crop!