Here’s an update on what has been happening at the farm so far this winter.
First, we are happy to announce that our doe, Kids Corral LB Krystal Blue 1*M AR 2307 VEEE90, was awarded her Superior Genetics designation by ADGA. Her past accomplishments include earning an appraisal score of VEEE90 as a 10 year old 10th freshener. This doe just keeps getting better and better with age. Go Connie!

Second, we are also very proud that a few of our does made the ADGA Elite Doe List again this fall! Congrats to SG TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M, SG Tiny Hill Farm Aurum 4*M, and SG Tiny Hill Farm Penta 6*M! These three super stars are all daughters of our buck, Sugar Moon V High Roller *B. Here’s a photo of Lois’s rear udder. We still have a some spring 2019 kid reservations left open if you’d like to have a goat like Lois, Aurum, or Penta in your herd.

Third, we are happy to announce that all our goats again tested negative for CL, CAE, Johne’s, TB, and brucellosis this past month. Our goats are tested annually for CAE, CL, and Johne’s. We test for TB and brucellosis every three years. Contagious diseases are a huge issue in goats in New England and something that we take very seriously. Our paranoia and germaphobia have paid off and we continue to have healthy and happy disease-free goats! We always advise people that before you buy goat kids, drink raw milk, eat animal products, take a goat yoga class, or just step foot on a farm: ask if the animals there are disease tested. Ours are! You can find a link to all our goat testing results here.