Herd Book and Kidding Schedule

Tiny Hill Farm 2024-2025 Herd book/Kidding Schedule

No part of this herd book and kidding schedule may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of Tiny Hill Farm. This includes all photos and any posts to social media. If you would like to use our text or photos, you can email tinyhillfarm@gmail.com for permission. 

Please scroll down to read our purchase polices. A $100 per kid non-refundable deposit holds a spot on our waiting list. Reservations are first come first served. We also offer driveway breeding service to approved does. Here’s more info on our breeding services.

Our bucks are:

1. Tiny Hill Farm Ur Ine 4 SumFun +*BBosley Gravel Jr. (Tiny Hill Farm Pez *B X SG Kids Corral LB Krystal Blue 1*M VEEE90) DOB 7/16/18 Chocolate with random white and moon spots. Bosley’s sire is Tiny Hill Farm Pez *B (Phoenix Farm Hard Candy *B X TOP TEN ELITE SG TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M). Pez is a full brother to both Twix (ELITE Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Twix 7*M) and Pixy (SG Tiny Hill Farm Pixy Stix 7*M). Bosley’s grand dam is our legendary doe, TOP TEN ELITE SG The TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M VEEV88. His dam (SG Kids Corral LB Krystal Blue 1*M VEEE90) earned an appraisal score of 90 as a 10 year old 10th freshener. Bosley’s maternal grand sire is the very influential buck MCH Woodhaven Farms Luzifer Blue +B. In May of 2024, his third daughter earned her milk star, earning Bosley his +B award. He carries recessive black coat coloration and has produced wildly moon spotted kids. Bosley’s ADGA page.  Bosley is an excellent buck who has really helped improve our small herd.


2. ELITE Buck SG Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDaydream +*B – David  (Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X TOP TEN SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M) DOB 3/3/20 Chamoise with white and extensive moon spotting. David qualified for ADGA’s 2020 Young Sire Development Program. This far out little buckling’s outstanding mammary, milk production, and udder longevity genetics are exactly what we want in our herd. His very first daughter on milk test, Elite Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Hazel Decker 7*M is a 99th percentile Elite doe who produced 1,130lbs of milk over her first lactation as a milking yearling. David made the August and December 2023 ADGA Elite Buck List. In January of 2024, his third daughter earned her milk star, earning David his +B award. He carries recessive black coat coloration. David’s ADGA page.


3. Tiny Hill NoBiz Like DoeBiz *B – Linux  (Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X SG Tiny Hill Farm Pixy Stix 7*M) DOB 3/4/20. Cream and white. Linux qualified for ADGA’s 2020 Young Sire Development Program. We are looking forward to seeing what this tightly line bred buckling with excellent Top Ten genetics can do for us. So far we have been very impressed with his daughters’ rear udder height, udder attachment, teat placement, and milk production. Linux carries recessive black coat coloration. Linux’s ADGA page.


4. Tiny Hill PowPowPower Stroke *BStroker (Tiny Hill Tormund Giantsbane *B X SG Tiny Hill Farm MiniMiniPowPow! 6*M) DOB 3/11/21 Shaded gold with random white and blue eyes. Stroker is a beautiful buck who we look forward to pairing with several of our does this coming fall. He reminds us of his beloved great-grand dam, PowPow (ARMCH Fairlea Flower Power 4*D 4*M +EEE88), who he is loosely line bred on. Here’s a link to his ADGA page. Stroker carries recessive black and chamoisee coat coloration. 


Our does are listed below. We expect to have kids born in March-April of 2025. Please contact us if you are interested in kids or have any questions. We are always willing to consider fair offers on our goats if you see a goat you are interested who is not currently listed for sale. Unless otherwise stated, all does have 2025 kid reservations available now. A $100 per kid non-refundable deposit holds a reservation on our waiting list. Reservations are first come first served. We reserve the right to retain any kids. Until confirmed via ultrasound, all breeding pairings are tentative and subject to change. All kid pricing is subject to change to reflect a dam or sire’s most recent accomplishments. 


Our Current Milkers 

1. TOP TEN ELITE Doe SG The TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M VEEV88 – Lois ( SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X SG Old Mountain Farm Mishell Anet 5*M VEEE89) DOB 5/9/15 Black with random white and moon spots. Lois’s ADGA page.  Lois made ADGA’s Elite Doe list in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. This little doe’s 297 day lactation in 2017 was 1,217lbs of milk as a second freshener. In 2020, Lois produced 1,640lbs of milk over her 317 day long 6th lactation. She was ranked 5th for milk production and 6th for protein production on ADGA’s 2020 Top Ten Breed Leader list. Lois’s very stale 2021 linear appraisal score was VEEV88. Lois was bred to David. Her pregnancy of 3-4 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/22/25.  Planned pedigree of kids is here.  Doelings and bucklings will be $1950. Bucklings will have their *B. Kids will be black or chamoisee with or without moon spots. With a dam and a granddam on the 2020 Top Ten list, we expect these kids to be spectacular future milk producers. Lois has one 2025 doeling reservation and one 2025 buckling reservation still available. This will likely be Lois’s last freshening and she will be retired in 2025. 




2. ELITE Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Twix 7*M – Twix (Phoenix Farm Hard Candy *B X TOP TEN ELITE Doe SG TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M VEEV88) DOB 4/4/18 Chocolate with white poll. Twix’s ADGA page. Twix’s full sister is SG Tiny Hill Farm Pixy Stix 7*M. Twix made ADGA’s 2020 Elite doe list as a second freshener. She is the 7th in her dam line to be awarded her advanced registry dairy star. As a tiny second freshener, Twix produced 949lbs of milk over a 228 day lactation.  Her record test day is 8lbs of milk. Twix was closely line bred to Stroker. Her pregnancy of 2 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/6/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here.  Doelings and bucklings will be $850. Bucklings will have their *B. Kids will be black, chocolate, or gold, with or without blue eyes. Amazing kids with exceptional teat length and lovely Top Ten pedigrees expected. Twix’s 2025 buckling and doeling reservations are currently OPEN. 













3. ELITE Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Raspberry Beret 2*M – Beret (Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X TOP TEN SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M VEEV89) DOB 3/3/20. Black with a large white belt. Beret’s ADGA page. This little doe combines the stylish conformation of her dam with her sire’s dairy production. We think we love her! Beret made ADGA’s 2021 Elite list as a yearling milker. She was be tightly line bred to Bosley. Pregnancy of 3 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/12/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Doelings and bucklings will be $800. Bucks will have their *B. Kids will be black or chocolate with or without moon spots. Beautiful dairy kids with excellent teats, rear udder height, and medials expected.  Beret has one 2025 doeling reservation left available and one 2025 buckling reservation left available. 









4. ELITE Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Salmiakki 8*M – Sallie (Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X SG Tiny Hill Farm Pixy Stix 7*M) DOB 3/4/20 Black with minimal white. Sallie’s ADGA page. With a dam like Pixy and a sire like High Roller, this sweet little licorice drop has big hoof prints to fill! Sallie made ADGA’s 2021 Elite list as a yearling milker. She was line bred to Stroker. Pregnancy of 2 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/14/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here.  Doelings and bucklings will be $800. Bucklings will have their *B. Kids will be gold or black, with or without blue eyes. Very fancy and extremely dairy kids with lots of potential expected. Sallie’s 2025 doeling and buckling reservations are OPEN.  









5. ELITE Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Minerva Terrace 6*M  – Minerva (Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X SG Old Mountain Farm Mishell Anet 5*M VEEE89) DOB 3/17/20 Black and white pinto.  Minerva’s ADGA page.  Her full sister is  TOP TEN ELITE Doe SG The TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M VEEV88. We hope Minerva follows in the hoof prints of her older sister Lois and becomes an outstanding milk producer with a lovely sweet temperament. Minerva made ADGA’s 2021 Elite list as a yearling milker, again in 2022 as a 2 year old 2nd freshener, and for a third time in 2023. Minerva was tightly line bred to David. Pregnancy of 3-4 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/19/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Doelings and bucklings will be $850. Bucks will have their *B. Kids will be black or chamoisee with or without moon spots. This pairing should produce lovely kids with excellent udders and lots of milk production potential. Minerva has one 2025 doeling reservation and one 2025 buckling reservation left available. 








6. Tiny Hill Love Is PowPowerful 7*M Floppy (Tiny Hill Tormund Giantsbane *B X SG Tiny Hill Farm MiniMiniPowPow 6*M) DOB 3/11/21 Shaded gold with random white and frosted ears and nose. Her paternal grand-dam is 2020 Top Ten doe SG The Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M. Her pedigree is here. Floppy wasn’t very cooperative for her photo shoot. Her signature floppy ears are long gone, but her nickname stuck. Floppy’s registered name is an homage to her beloved great grand dam and a children’s book about a true story of a little girl with a big message. At Tiny Hill Farm we believe in that message. Love IS powerful! Floppy was line bred to David. Pregnancy of 3 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/22/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Doelings and bucklings will be $700. Bucklings will have their *B. Kids will be gold, chamoisee, or black with or without white frosting and moon spots. This pairing should produce productive powerhouse style kids with excellent udder attachments and rear udder height. Floppy’s 2025 doeling and buckling reservations are currently OPEN. 









7. ELITE Doe Tiny Hill Farm Hazel Decker 7*M – Hazel (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDaydream +*B X Elite Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Minerva Terrace 6*M) DOB 3/13/21. Black with minimal random white and extensive moon spotting. Hazel has Top Ten does on both sides of her pedigree. Her paternal grand-dam is 2020 Top Ten doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M and her dam’s full sister is 2020 Top Ten Elite Doe SG The Tinyhillfarm’s SuperLois 6*M.  Hazel’s pedigree is here.  The rule at Tiny Hill Farm is that we don’t keep doe kids out of first fresheners. Unless we do. And in this case we did! Her dam’s first fresh udder and milk production were so impressive that we just had to keep her.  Just like her dam, Hazel made ADGA’s 2022 Elite list as a yearling milker. She’s a 99th percentile doe and is a 1131lb first freshener. And just like her dam again, Hazel made ADGA’s 2023 Elite list on the 99th percentile as a 2 year old second freshener. Hazel was line bred to Bosley. Pregnancy of 2 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/16/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Doelings and bucklings will be $850. Bucks will have their *B. Kids will be chocolate or black with or without moon spots. This pairing should produce long, uphill kids with excellent rump structure and exceptional mammary systems. Hazel has one 2025 doeling reservation available. Her 2025 buckling reservations are currently OPEN. 









8. Tiny Hill Farm Rah Milque 2*M – Milque (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm NoBiz like DoeBiz *B X TOP TEN Doe SG The Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M VEEV89) DOB 3/22/21. Cream with minimal white and moon spots. Milque has Top Ten does on both sides of her pedigree. Her ADGA page is here. Milque is line bred on our foundation doe, Sugar Moon Indian Summer 3*M. She has matured into a beautiful, powerful dairy doe with a sweet personality. Milque was line bred to Bosley. Pregnancy of 2+ kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/6/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Doelings and bucklings will be $750. Bucklings will have their *B. Kids will be gold, chocolate, or black, with or without moon spots. This pairing should produce beautiful powerhouse milkers with exceptional milk production potential. 2025 Doeling and buckling reservations are OPEN. 









9. Tiny Hill Farm Blue Jean 7*M – Jeanie (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDaydream +*B X TOP TEN ELITE SG The TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois  6*M VEEV89) DOB 4/16/21. Chamoisee with a few moon spots. Jeanie has Top Ten does on both sides of her pedigree. Here is a link to her pedigree. She is tightly line bred on her grandsire Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B. She was a dry yearling in 2022 and has matured into a lovely little milker with a big personality. We can’t wait to see what she puts into the milk pail! Jeanie was line bred to Bosley. Pregnancy of at least one kid has been confirmed via ultrasound with an estimated due date of 3/9/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Doelings and bucklings will be $750. Bucklings will have their *B. Kids will be gold, chamoisee, or black with or without moon spots and blue eyes. This pairing should produce highly productive kids with excellent mammary systems. Doeling and buckling reservations are currently OPEN. 









10. ELITE doe Tiny Hill Farm Ojo Caliente Spring 7*M – Cow (On Golden Farm Duke *B X Elite SG Tiny Hill Farm Vixen 6*M) DOB 1/26/22.  Flashy black and white with moon spots. Cow has Top Ten does on both sides of her pedigree. Her paternal great grand-dam is 2020 Top Ten doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M and her maternal aunt is 2020 Top Ten doe Elite SG The Tinyhillfarm’s SuperLois 6*M. Here is a link to her pedigree. Cow is line bred on her paternal great grandsire and maternal grandsire Highest Living PTA/ETA Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B. She’s an eye catching little doe with a sweet, friendly personality. Cow made ADGA’s 2023 Elite list as a yearling first freshener. In 2024, Cow earned her milk star in all 3 components. Cow was line bred to Linux. Pregnancy of at least one kid has been confirmed via ultrasound with an estimated due date of 3/7/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Cow’s kids will be gold or black with or without moon spots. This pairing should produce flashy and cute kids with lots of dairy potential.  Doelings and bucklings will be $750. Bucklings will have their *B. Cow’s 2025 doeling and buckling reservations are currently OPEN. 









11. ELITE doe Tiny Hill Farm Carol Beverly 7*MCeeBee (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDaydream +*B X Elite Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Minerva Terrace 6*M) DOB 3/10/22. Chamoisee with white on poll. CeeBee has Top Ten does on both sides of her pedigree. Her paternal grand-dam is 2020 Top Ten doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M and her maternal aunt is 2020 Top Ten doe Elite SG The Tinyhillfarm’s SuperLois 6*M. CeeBee’s pedigree is here. Her dam is our phenomenal doe, Elite doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Minerva Terrace 6*M. Just like her dam, Ceebee made ADGA’s 2023 August Elite doe list as a yearling first freshener. She has earned her milk star in protein in 2024 and we expect that she will continue on to earn her milk star in all 3 components. CeeBee was line bred to Stroker. Pregnancy of 2 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound with an estimated due date of 3/7/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Ceebee’s kids will be gold, chamoisee, or black with or without blue eyes. This pairing should produce a gorgeous kids with length, depth, and excellent body capacity and mammary systems. Doelings and bucklings will be $700. Bucklings will have their *B. CeeBee’s 2025 buckling and doeling reservations are currently OPEN. 








12. Tiny Hill Farm Artemis Moon – Artemis (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDaydream +*B X Elite Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Minerva Terrace 6*M) DOB 3/10/22. Flashy black and white with moon spots. Artemis is CeeBee’s litter sister. We were thrilled to have the opportunity to welcome her back to the herd in November of 2024. Like her full sisters Hazel and Minerva, Artemis has Top Ten does on both sides of her pedigree. Her paternal grand-dam is 2020 Top Ten doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M and her maternal aunt is 2020 Top Ten doe Elite SG The Tinyhillfarm’s SuperLois 6*M. Her dam is our phenomenal doe, Elite doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Minerva Terrace 6*M. Artemis’s pedigree is here. We expect her to follow in the hoof steps of her dam and sisters and become an ADGA Elite doe as soon as she is put on milk test. Artemis was line bred to Stroker. Pregnancy of 3 kids has been confired via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 4/1/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Artemis’s’s kids will be gold or black with or without blue eyes and moon spots. This pairing should produce flashy kids with fabulous dairy strength, excellent rump structure, and exceptional mammary systems. Doelings will be $650. Wethers will be $400. 2025 doeling and wether reservations are currently OPEN.


12. Tiny Hill Farm Fun Sized Mars – Teeny (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDaydream +*B X ELITE SG Tiny Hill Farm Twix 7*M) DOB 3/22/22. Chocolate with white on poll and tail tip. Both of Teeny’s grand-dams are Top Ten does. Here is a link to her pedigree. Teeny’s dam’s highest test day (so far) is 8lbs, and we expect her to follow in her dam’s hoof prints and become a very productive dairy doe. She’s nicely line bred on her grandsire Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B. We skipped breeding Teeny this year to streamline our breeding schedule. She will be bred again in the fall of 2025 for spring 2026 kids. Teeny will be bred to Stroker. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Doelings will be $650. Wethers will be $400. Kids will be various shades of gold, chocolate, black, or possibly chamoisee, with or without blue eyes. This pairing should produce structurally correct kids with excellent udder capacity and teat size. 2026 doeling and wether reservations are currently OPEN. 









13. Tiny Hill Farm C.R.E.A.M.  2*M – Cream (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm NoBiz like DoeBiz *B X TOP TEN SG The Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M VEEV89) DOB 3/28/22. Light creamy gold with random white and extensive moon spotting. Cream has a spectacular production pedigree with both a Top Ten dam and a Top Ten great grand dam. Her pedigree is here.  Cream is also line bred on our foundation doe, Sugar Moon Indian Summer 3*M. She is a miniature version of her full sister, Milque. Just like Milque, Cream has matured into another beautiful power house of a doe with a sweet personality. She has earned her milk star in all 3 components in 2024. Cream was bred to Stroker. Pregnancy of 2 kids has ben confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/17/25. Planned pedigree of kids is here. Doelings and bucklings will be $650. Bucklings will have their *B.  Kids will be various shades of gold, or possibly black or chamoisee with or without moon spots and blue eyes. This pairing should produce beautiful, powerful animals with exceptional milk production potential. Cream’s 2025 doeling and buckling reservations are currently OPEN. 








14. Tiny Hill Farm PowPowPowerhouse  – Dove (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm NoBiz like DoeBiz *B X SG Tiny Hill Farm MiniMiniPowPow! 6*M) DOB 3/14/23. Gold with white belt, frosted ears and nose, and white poll and tail. Her pedigree is here. This little powerhouse is named after her beloved great-grand dam, PowPow (ARMCH Fairlea Flower Power 4*D 4*M +EEE88). She was line bred to David. Pregnancy of 2 kids has been confirmed via ultrasound and their estimated due date is 3/6/25. Pedigree of kids is here. Doelings will be $650. Wethers will be $400. Kids will be various shades of gold, chamoisee or black with our without moon spots and frosting. We expect this pairing to make friendly, deep bodied, dairy kids with excellent body capacity, general appearance and udder capacity. Dove has one 2025 doeling reservation left available. Her 2025 wether reservations are currently OPEN. 









15. Tiny Hill Raisin H*LL – Raisin  (Tiny Hill PowPowPower Stroke *B X TOP TEN SG The Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M VEEV89) DOB 3/26/23. Chamoisee. Her pedigree is here. We skipped breeding Raisin this year to streamline our breeding schedule. This highly anticipated and dearly loved little super star will be bred to Linux in the fall of 2025 for spring 2026 kids. Pedigree of kids is here. Doelings will be $650. Wethers will be $400. Kids will be chamoisee, gold, or black.  We expect this pairing to make beautiful dairy kids with exceptional udder quality and milk production ability. 2026 doeling and wether reservations are currently OPEN.


We focus on breeding top quality Nigerian dwarf dairy goats with excellent milking potential and great personalities. Our goats are ADGA registered, up to date on all vetting, and tested for CL, CAE, Johne’s, TB, and brucellosis. You can see current copies of our test results here. We practice strict biosecurity, and our herd benefits from a lack of respiratory disease.

We participate in DHIA milk test and ADGA linear appraisal. We have goats that are on ADGA’s Elite lists, Young Sire Development Program rankings, have earned Superior Genetics awards, multiple generations of milk stars, and Top Ten milk production rankings. In addition to milk production and udder quality, we also focus on breeding beautiful goats with sweet and friendly personalities.


We send kids home on a bottle at around 2 weeks old. We do not hold kids until weaned, no exceptions. Wethers (castrated males) will be $400 each in 2025. Registered doelings for milking or show start at $650. We occasionally have pet doelings available for sale for $500 each. Pet doelings come without registration paperwork and are for sale as pets only. Registered bucklings start at $650. We do not sell unregistered bucklings. All pricing is subject to change to reflect a dam or sire’s most recent accomplishments. A $100 per kid non-refundable deposit holds a spot on our kid reservation list. Reservations are first come first served. Deposits are only refundable if there aren’t any kids available from any of your selected breedings.  We do not, under any circumstances, refund deposits on reservations cancelled by the buyer. We can take Venmo, Paypal (all transaction fees MUST be added by the buyer or we will cancel the reservation), a check, or cash for deposits.

Once you have placed a deposit and kids are available to you, you will contacted via text or email with pictures and information about available kids. If we do not get a “Yes I want that goat” or “No thank you I would like to pass on that kid” response from you within 24 hours of contact, we will offer those kids to the next person on our reservation list and will contact you about the next available kids. No exceptions. Kidding season is an extremely hectic season and we appreciate your polite consideration for our time.

If being picked up in person on the farm, your goat’s balance must be paid in cash at time of pickup. We will accept Venmo or Paypal (include the transaction fees) for animals being transported. No personal checks or credit cards at pickup. Under no circumstances will a goat leave the farm before it is paid in full. We reserve the right to retain any kid from any breeding. We are always willing to consider fair offers on our goats if you see a goat who is not for sale who you are interested in.  Does in milk range in price from $750-$10,000. Contact us for more info. 


We offer on farm pick up. We will also ship our goats via air, but buyer must pay for the cost of the goat, all shipping charges, and a $250 transportation fee to Boston, MA or Portland, ME. Flights must be non-stop or have a layover in JFK only. We very highly recommend the Ark at JFK for goat care during layovers. All flight and shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. This includes registration fees, vet fees, CVIs, crates, and any other related expenses.

We will also be offering reasonably priced private ground transportation along I-94 and I-90 from NH to MT (NH-MA-NY-OH-IN-IL-WI-MN-ND-MT). This route will be in the beginning of May 2025. This will be a great opportunity for prompt folks with flexible schedules to meet us at our predetermined stops along Interstate I-94 and I-90. Sorry, no door to door transport. Cost is $300 COD per day of transport. Cost is per stop not per goat. Transport through NH, MA, or NY is one day of transport ($300). Transport to OH, IN, IL, WI, or MN is two days ($600). Transport to ND or MT is 3 days ($900). Goats held awaiting our private transport will not be subject to any boarding fees. 

We also offer private transport anywhere in the state of NH for $250 COD for each stop. We are available to meet you for in-state transport most anytime in March-April. 

If private transport doesn’t work for you, we are happy to work with commercial ground transportation. We highly recommend Medicine Mountain Pet Transport. We will only ship our goats with licensed and insured transportation companies. All shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. This includes registration fees, vet fees, CVIs, crates, and any other related expenses. Kids held awaiting commercial or local transport past 3 weeks of age will be subject to a boarding fee of $4 per day per kid. 


We offer driveway breeding services to approved does on a limited basis. Here’s more info.  

4 Responses to Herd Book and Kidding Schedule

  1. Erzsebet Parks says:

    Hi, I would like put a deposit down for a buckling. Out of Twix. (I would like one for Vixen for 2021 but I am nervous to wait that long for a buck 🙂 ) Please let me know what I can do to send payment. Thank you.

  2. Charles Keiling says:

    We would like to purchase 2 females and a male.

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