The following goats are listed here as references for folks looking for more information about goats we have bred or owned. We either no longer own these goats, they are retired, or have passed away. Thanks so much for reading. You can see our current herd list here.
TOP TEN SG The Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M VEEV89 – Sansa (Old Mountain Farm Stingn Ned L *+B X Old Mountain Farm Johana Faith) DOB 3/25/14 Chamoisee with moon spots. Sansa’s ADGA page. Sansa’s very stale 2021 linear appraisal score was VEEV89. In 2020, Sansa produced 1523lbs of milk over her 349 day long 4th lactation, and was ranked 7th for milk production and 4th for protein production on ADGA’s 2020 Top Ten Breed Leader list. Sansa was retired in 2024 and we are looking forward to spoiling her during her retirement here.

SG Tiny Hill Farm Pixy Stix 7*M – Pixy (Phoenix Farm Hard Candy *B X TOP TEN ELITE Doe SG TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M VEEV88) DOB 3/10/17 Black with a small amount of random white. Pixy’s ADGA page. Pixy easily earned her milk star as a first freshener, making her the 7th in her dam line to be awarded her advanced registry dairy star. She earned her Superior Genetics designation in 2019 as a 2 year old 2nd freshener. Congratulations to Kim on her purchase of Pixy!
ELITE Doe SG Tiny Hill Farm I Think UR Cute 7*M – Clarice (ELITE Buck SG TinyHillFarm’s Karl Hungus +*B X TOP TEN Elite doe SG TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M VEEV88) DOB 3/1/20 Black with random white, moon spots, and blue eyes. Clarice’s ADGA page. This little doeling is tightly line bred on Sugar Moon V High Roller *B. Clarice made ADGA’s 2021 Elite list as a yearling milker. Congratulations to Rachel of Phillips Brook Farmstead on her purchase of Clarice!
Tiny Hill Farm Let’s Dance! – Moonie (2020 Young Sire Development Qualifier Tiny Hill Farm MoonageDaydream +*B X TOP TEN ELITE SG The TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M VEEV89) DOB 3/20/22. Black with extensive moon spotting. Moonie has Top Ten does on both sides of her pedigree. Here is a link to her pedigree. She is tightly line bred on her grandsire Highest Living PTA/ETA Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B. Congrats to Happy Goat Lucky Farm on their purchase of Moonie!
Elite doe Tiny Hill Farm Twilight Spring 7*M – Twilight (On Golden Farm Duke *B X Elite SG Tiny Hill Farm Vixen 6*M) DOB 1/26/22. Black with extensive moon spotting and white poll. Twilight has Top Ten does on both sides of her pedigree. Her paternal great grand-dam is 2020 Top Ten doe SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M and her maternal aunt is 2020 Top Ten doe Elite SG The Tinyhillfarm’s SuperLois 6*M. Here is a link to her pedigree. Twilight is line bred on her paternal great grandsire and maternal grandsire Highest Living PTA/ETA Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B. This little stunner of a doe kid is long, level, and has excellent body capacity and width. Twilight made ADGA’s 2023 August Elite list as a yearling first freshener. Congrats to The Lillows for their purchase of Twilight!
ELITE SG (pending) Tiny Hill Farm Vixen 6*M – Vixen (Highest Living ETA/PTA Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X SG Old Mountain Farm Mishell Anet 5*M VEEE89) DOB 3/19/19 Heavily moon spotted black with random white. Vixen’s ADGA page. Her older full sister is TOP TEN ELITE SG The TinyHillFarm’s SuperLois 6*M VEEV88. Vixen is following in Lois’s hoof prints by becoming a 2021 ADGA Elite doe as a first freshener. She is proving to be an outstanding milk producer with an outgoing and friendly temperment. Vixen was sold in the spring of 2023. Congratulations, Claire!

SG Tiny Hill Farm MiniMiniPowPow! 6*M – BabyPow (ELITE buck TinyHillFarm’s Karl Hungus +*B x Tiny Hill Farm PowPow Powerwheels! 5*M) DOB 5/8/18 Gold and white pinto with frosted ears and nose and blue eyes. BabyPow’s ADGA page. BabyPow looks just like her beautiful and very loved granddam PowPow (ARMCH Fairlea Flower Power 4*D 1*M +EEE88). Over her 344 day second lactation, BabyPow produced 1,400lbs of milk. Sadly, we lost BabyPow to kidding complications in the spring of 2023. BabyPow is a doe who made her mark on our herd and is very deeply missed.
Elite buck TinyHillFarm’s Karl Hungus +*B – Karl (Highest Living ETA Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X SG Kids Corral LB Krystal Blue 1*M VEEE90) DOB 6/2/15 Cream and white with moon spots and blue eyes. For breeding for production, conformation, longevity, and a little bit of pizzazz, our homegrown Karl is a favorite. Karl is sired by the legendary Highest Living ETA Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller +*B. His dam, 1*M AR Kids Corral LB Krystal Blue * AR 2307 VEEE90 earned her linear appraisal score of 90 as a 10 year old 10th freshener. Not too bad for a goat senior citizen! One of Karl’s lovely daughters, Tiny Hill Farm Bunny Lebowski 3*M, made the ADGA Elite doe list in 2018, 2019, and 2020. Karl has blue eyes and moon spots and he carries recessive black coat coloration. Karl’s ADGA page. Congrats to Welcome Ranch on their purchase of Karl!

Tiny Hill Tormund Giantsbane *B – Tormund (Phoenix Farm Hard Candy *B X TOP TEN SG The Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M) DOB 3/30/18 Chamoise. Tormund is a stylish buck with a particularly nice length of body, flatness of bone, and wide rump. Tormund’s body style reminds us of his beautiful 2020 Top Ten dam, SG Tiny Hill Farm Sansa 1*M. Our Phoenix Farm Hard Candy daughters have not disappointed us, so we are very much looking forward to seeing what his hunky son can do for our herd. Tormund’s ADGA page. Congrats to Flying Bird farm on your purchase of Tormund!

Tiny Hill Farm Pearl Geyser – Pearl (Highest Living ETA Elite buck SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X SG Old Mountain Farm Mishell Anet 5*M VEEE89) DOB 3/17/20 Light gold and white pinto. We hope Pearl follows in the hoof prints of her two older full sisters and becomes an ADGA Elite doe and an outstanding milk producer with a lovely sweet temperament. Pearl’s ADGA page. Congrats to McDreamer’s Meadow Farm on their purchase of Pearly!

SG Tiny Hill Farm Penta 6*M – Penta (Highest Living ETA Elite SG Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B X Old Mountain Farm Mishell Anet 5*M VEEE89) DOB 4/24/16 Black with a small amount of random white and extensive moon spotting. Penta made ADGA’s 2017 and 2018 Elite Doe list. Penta was ranked the top 2% nationally, as a first freshener! Congrats to Carvanjo Farm on their purchase of Penta.
SG Old Mountain Farm Mishell Anet 5*M VEEE89 – Annika(Old Mountain Farm Hakama*B X Old Mountain Farm Jil Michele 4*M) DOB 2/18/11. Black with random white and moon spots. Annika is a treasured doe here at Tiny Hill Farm. In addition to being a formidable doe on the milkstand, she has produced, a 2020 Top Ten doe and numerous SG and Elite daughters. Annika consistently has produced beautiful kids with exceptional udder longevity. She certainly has earned her retirement here.
SG ELITE Sugar Moon V High Roller ++*B – Linus (SG Sugar Moon Viva Las Vegas*B X SG NC Promisedland SIA Zena 6*D 3*M AR2263 VEEE90) DOB 5/9/14 Cream and Gold. Linus was ranked as the #1 Nigerian in ADGA’s 2015 Young Sire Development Program. He currently has the highest ETA of all living Nigerian dwarf bucks. His dam, SG NC Promisedland SIA Zena 3*M 6*D AR2263 VEEE90 was a 99th percentile elite doe. His sire, Sugar Moon Viva Las Vegas*B was also an elite buck. He is a full brother to SG Sugar Moon V Zuzanna 4*M, who was first in milk production, fat, and protein in the 2018 ADGA Performance Breed Leaders Top 10 List. She is also the ALL TIME Nigerian Dwarf milk production record holder. Linus appraised at VVV87 as a two year old. He has several daughters with Superior Genetics awards, and Linus has consistently produced daughters who milk 800-1,000lbs as first fresheners. So far he has produced several ADGA Elite daughters, and granddaughters, and is the sire of a Top Ten doe. We owned Linus since he was 3 weeks old. He carries recessive black coat coloration. Congrats to Craftmade Manor on their purchase of Linus.

ARMCH Fairlea Flower Power 4*D 4*M +EEE88 –PowPow (Stonewall’s Apocalypse Now X ARMCH Fairlea Fleur 3*D “E’ AR1950). DOB 4/10/04 Gold with random white and frosting. PowPow was happily retired here from many years. Sadly, she passed away at nearly 15 years old.

SG Kids Corral LB Krystal Blue 1*M AR 2307 VEEE90 – Connie Marble(MCH Woodhaven Farms Luzifer Blue +B X Kids Corral LL Ember) DOB 4/21/06 Black with moon spots and blue eyes. This doe earned an appraisal score of 90 as a 10 year old 10th freshener! Connie passed away at 14 years old.

Old Mountain Farm Jil Michele 4*M VEVV87 – Jill (SG Old Mountain Farm Black Tulip ++*B *S X Sugar Moon Indian Summer 3*M 3*D AR 2017) DOB 2/27/10 Black and white pinto with moon spots. Jill has the same sire as the dam of the 2017 ADGA National Show Reserve Grand Champion. Sadly Jill died in 2020 after a long and exciting life in our herd.

SG Tiny Hill Farm Aurum 4*M – Aurum (Sugar Moon V High Roller*B X Sugar Moon BL April Showers 3*M) DOB 4/3/16. Gold with small amount of random white. Aurum produced 904lbs of milk over her 277 day first freshening lactation. Her 305 day lactation estimate for 2018 is 1,379 lbs of milk as a second freshener. Aurum made ADGA’s 2018 Elite Doe list. Aurum’s very stale 2018 linear appraisal score was VEVV88, with an E in rump. Aurum has been sold to On Golden Farm.

Tiny Hill Farm PowPow Powerwheels! 5*M – MiniPow (Old Mountain Farm PW Penduncle X ARMCH Fairlea Flower Power 4*D 1*M) DOB 5/11/16 Gold with random white and frosted ears and nose. Our treasured PowPow baby now lives at New Moon Farm.

Sugar Moon Indian Summer 3*D 3*M AR2017 VVE+87 -Summer was our 12 year old foundation doe and herd matriarch. Our herd would not be where we are today without Summer. We are glad she lives on in the generations of her kids born here. Summer’s great great great great grandkids were born this year. If you have a Tiny Hill Farm goat, odds are that Summer is in their pedigree. She was a one of a kind goat and we are so grateful that we had so many wonderful years with her. She’s pictured here with her quints from 2010.